New Basic Education Student

*Select Grade
*Select Course (for Senior High Only)
*First Name
*Middle Name
*Last Name
*City Address
*Birth Place
*School Last Attended
*School Address
* Father Birthday
Birth Place
*Contact No.
Company Address
*Company No.
*Mother Birthday
*Birth Place
*Contact Number
* Company Address
* Company No.

In consideration of my admission to the INDIANA AEROSPACE UNIVERSITY, I hereby promise to abide and comply with the rules and regulations laid down by the authorities of this institution.

I hereby affirm that all information provided in the Student Profile is complete and accurate. I understand that withholding information or giving false statement will make me ineligible for admission or subject to dismissal after admission has been granted.

I hereby allow Indiana Aerospace University to collect, use and process the mentioned information for legitimate purposes specifically for enrollment and allow personnel to process such information in accordance with the implementing rules and regulations of the Data Privacy Act of 2012